Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bonnaroo Time in Tennessee.

As promised, I am going to do as I did last year and do a Bonnaroo update on what to see and what not to see for the common man. Now as you know, I didn't create music nor do I rightfully own it so this is just an opinion. I hope it helps you in your conquest to find that true love of music out there.


I said it and I meant it. If you're getting to go, enjoy it. Okay the first post will be about the lesser known guys. Then we'll move up to the mid-range and the big boys later.(Click the name to get a link to a youtube video, starred bands are my personal favorites) Without further adieu, we'll start with.. Warpaint: This is an artsy music group from LA. They sound a bit slow with an indie-musical tune to them and they are quickly on the rise. I sat down and listened to a cut from almost all the songs on their only CD entitled Exquisite Corpse. They have a very haunting melody and the singers have a psychedelic feel if you're into that sorta thing.

Truth & Salvage Co

*2. Truth and Salvage Company: Mix between Counting Crows and a little country harmonics. Very sweet sound when mixed with all those instruments (I think I hear a piano, that gets extra points). I actually give this one a recommendation from what I hear. The Young Veins: Well here's what happened. Guys remember Panic! At The Disco? Well the guitarist got sick of being emo and split with his bass player. They formed this garage band White Stripes sounding stuff and made The Young Veins. I am not a fan but you could be. Listen to the single and see for yourself.

4. The Roast Beef Curtains: Bonnaroo also has competitions and the winners get to appear and play. Thus enters The RBC. All I can think is 'Great, another Reggae sounding band that takes after 311'. I'm not a fan, but hey, maybe you are into 311. If so, try it out.

5.The Moondoggies: This was a definite hit and miss for me. The lead singer, Kevin Murphy, is great doing an acoustic set. But the entire band has a folk sound to it. If you enjoy the song you hear on the link, it's probably the best one you'll hear. Everything else is on the downer side.

6. The Middle East: Coming straight from down under (no, not your grandfather's liquor stash) is a band from Australia. 'Blood' is a slow song that has a mood-changing beat and hits the indie beat hard. But The Darkest Side was a great song in my opinion. So I linked it instead. If you enjoy The Cary Brothers or the movie Garden State, you'll probably enjoy this band.
7. The Devil Makes Three: Oh the world of 3-part Harmonies. This is the first bluegrass set I've come across so far and it's great if you're into that. Basically 3 people from Virginia playing what they do best.
8. The Constellations: The only song I've heard is called Setback, and it's what is linked. This band is from Atlanta, and they are bringing a heavy Beck sound with a little bit of electro background sound. I don't enjoy the lead singer's voice enough to keep listening so goodbye. The Bridge:Seems like a band that can definitely jam out. If you're in the mood for something that could turn into a lot of drum or guitar/bass solos, I would say pop on in and check these guys out.
10. The Bakerton Group: Instrumental psychedelic blues project. No words, just crazy blues. In my opinion, no reason to waste your time unless you have an hour to kill and want to see what it's like to tear your mind out from the inside.
**11. Tiny Animals: This is a band obviously pointed more towards the younger crowd. I love the sound of them, but they have an 'Owl City' kinda soundtrack and rocks that 'feel good about yourself' music. But I would probably see them, cause I am into that indie 'I wanna be on an iPod commercial' sound. (PS THE VIDEO IS AWESOME.)*12. Tamarama: Another Australian band in the mix. I can hear some old school deep voice vocals accompanied by a Jack Johnson'ish feel. I can dig it. Can you?
13. Supagroup: Produced by the guy who did Aerosmith and Zeppelin, as you can tell with the intro of shredding guitar. I am sick of this type of music so I would not go, but if you want to see a band rock like they used to, go check them out.

14. Sarah Jarosz: An Allison Kraus kind of sound, enter Sarah who is just now turning the tender age of 18. She has a great voice and can play a great banjo. If you like to hear banjo and a country music girl, go see the new girl live.
15.Samantha Crain: Boring, and the usual acoustic girl singing. Not my cup of tea this time.*16.Royal Bangs: Straight outta Knoxville, TN! They only have live stuff on youtube, so it's hard to tell how they sound. But I can tell they sound great live and since they're from TN, I would say go check them out. They have a good indie-rock sound to them.
17. Red Cortez: Eastern LA band that mixes it up during songs. I have read comments on how good these guys are at putting on a show. The music is decent, nothing that really stands out but nothing that makes me hate it either. I'm indifferent until proven guilty.

18. Paper Tongues: Uhm. Is this serious? They have combined what seems to be an MC looking like the Beasties, a rock band, a funky sound, and a keyboard keeping the beat. Sounds interesting, and it may actually draw a crowd, but only because they look ridiculous.

19. Orgone: Just a funky DJ. Pass.
*20. Nneka: A youtube sensation bursting out. She sounds great in my eyes, the only problem is she's repetitive. (Literally) If you are wanting to hear a little soul mixed with some fast beats you're in for a treat. I have no idea how it would be live though. Morning Teleportation: One of the most unique sounds in the world, and it doesn't work at all. Absolute trash.
**22. Lissie:  Girl knows how to sing/rock/do her thing. If you enjoy The Cranberries or 10,000 Maniacs, I would say give her a listen. She brings Fleetwood Mac back in a big way. Go girl, do ya thing. Kevin Devine: Acoustic player that loves singing about his hometown of Brooklyn. Your basic one-man band but it's decent. If you are looking for a nice acoustic sound to relax to, try him out.

24. Joshua James: Folk singer that writes a lot of sappy stuff. He pours his heart out on stage so it might be a depressing show. But he can write some good poetry, just maybe a tad bit too emo for me. Jill Andrews: A slow folky sound with a lot of deep lyrics and meaningful music. She's not bad on the eyes, and the piano always adds music to my ears. I would sit down and have a beer to a song or two.

Thank you for joining me for the bottom 25, we're working our way up this weekend! Tune in tomorrow for the next 25!

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