Wednesday, March 3, 2010

John Mayer's Fourth Studio Album "Battle Studies"

I recently took a trip to downtown Nashville to visit my old friend Johnathon Mayer and watched him perform most of these songs live. Now I figured I owed him a little debt to review his album. I love most of the songs so much I actually married them, had a couple of little songs with them, and now I'm raising them on alimony.


This rating is a tad lower but since his other albums greatly surpass this for the most part, I dumbed it down a tad. It can get a little sappy at times.

Songs To Notice

Track 1: Heartbreak Warfare - You've probably heard this a million times, and may even hate it by now. The radio makes me scream. But needless to say, this song is still a major hit and was the main big hit off the album. So obviously it is one to notice, just maybe not too long.

Track 3: Half of My Heart - Rock songs with special collaborations always hold a key to my heart. This one features Taylor Swift in very small detail, but usually it's rap that does this sort of thing. So when it changes styles, I mostly love it. This song is great.

Track 4: Who Says - This is the other hit from the CD, it has a somewhat "Stop This Train, Why Georgia" guitar rift sound. It's good, but the lyrics aren't the best.

Track 5: Perfectly Lonely - This one is a mellow feel good song about not giving a total shit about anyone else. Which is weird he can be 'perfectly lonely' while still complaining about other girls in the rest of the songs. But I like it.

Track 6: Assassin - Wow, I went songs 3-6. I sure just did. Anyways, this one is probably my favorite on the album. It's also my girlfriend Stephanie's favorite, so I'll give her a shout out as well. Lyrics are great in this one, tells John's more 'real talk' story of how his recent past has been.

Track 8: War of My Life - The last great song on the CD, as you can tell, I'm more of the mellow track side of this album as opposed to his funkier tunes. But this one's pushing it, as some of his songs on this album do, and the lyrics start to get cheesy.

Songs That Suck

Track 9: Edge of Desire - This is the worst song on the entire album. Cheesy to the nth degree and makes you want to fall asleep. But if you're sleepy, turn it up baby!

Track 10: Do You Know Me - Not a good way to follow the last song. Slow again, and you're probably asleep by now so wake back up! Now you hear these lyrics. Mmm.. cheese and wine!

Other Songs
All We Ever Do Is Say Goodbye, Crossroads (For the blues fans, this is a Robert Johnson cover, and is performed well live), and Friends, Lovers, or Nothing.

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